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It is essential that we love God, and love our neighbour. There really will be a Last Judgement, when those who have put their trust in Christ are rewarded and those who were disobedient and rebellious will be sent away to Hell. By our freely-made choices in everyday life we are each moving towards the heights of glory or towards the torments of the damned.
Many people stroll around, ready to sin, saying 'There is no Hell'; but by our choices we move towards Heaven or Hell.
Few books today contain wise words about the 'Four Last Things', which are Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell. It is important that people speak about these, and reflect on them. Many will be helped to change the way they live their lives.
Christ is Present in the tabernacle, ready to greet those who have chosen to be near Him; but at the end of time everyone will be near Him, willingly or not - waiting to be judged. If people are reminded of this, they might alter their behaviour, while there is time.
Few books today contain wise words about the 'Four Last Things', which are Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell. It is important that people speak about these, and reflect on them. Many will be helped to change the way they live their lives.
Few people are brave enough to speak about the 'Four Last Things' - Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell. Reflecting on them will help us change our behaviour while there is still time.
If we want to help ourselves to think about our readiness for Heaven, we can do as Christ asks, and picture ourselves as standing at the foot of the steps which lead to the Father's throne in Heaven - as if we stand with our head through a fake landscape, at the seaside. Then we can ask ourselves, of Heaven: "Am I ready to enter?"
It is a terrible moment, when a person who dies meets God, and admits that he had been put on earth to love and serve God, and find true joy in Him, yet had spent most of his life totally ignoring God, and His Son, and His Church, and His wishes.
Where divine fire blazes up from a human heart - fire which is perfect charity - it reaches as far as the great 'Fire of Charity' of Heaven, which is the Godhead; and so there is union. Where a soul lacks charity, there is no union - though only God can judge.
When a man lives only to satisfy his own appetites, and even treats a child with cruelty, he needs a miracle of grace, if he is to be changed and one day to be ready for Heaven, not Hell - to live amongst the Saints and Angels.
When a man lives only to satisfy his own appetites, and even treats a child with cruelty, he needs a miracle of grace, if he is to be changed and one day to be ready for Heaven, not Hell - to live amongst the Saints and Angels.
Christ showed me the hundreds of little figures in the great panorama spread before me. Many people were flying about, on leaving earthly life, some rising up to Heaven in amazement and joy, others falling with horrified faces into the darkness of Hell.
Every Bishop will one day give an account to Christ, of what he has done to save the souls of those in his care when on earth, looking after Christ's flock. A wise Bishop reflects, today, on what he will one day say in Christ's presence.
Every Bishop will one day give an account to Christ, of what he has done to save the souls of those in his care when on earth, looking after Christ's flock. A wise Bishop reflects, today, on what he will one day say in Christ's presence.
Satan, reigning in the centre of Hell, looks upwards as if through a glass ceiling to where people who have given their lives to him on earth are busy corrupting children, or fortune-telling, or busy with superstition of different sorts. They have not yet realised what horrors await them if they serve the evil one until death.
At the entrance to Hell is a great, barred gate, which closes firmly after each newcomer has entered. There is no possibility of ever leaving. That knowledge is one of the torments of Hell; for everyone here has ignored God's warnings and has chosen this fate. This image is given to help those who have not yet chosen to seek God and cling to Him.
There are some people in powerful positions who misuse their power. If they are cruel to the people in their charge, and do not repent and change their ways, before they die, there will be terrible consequences for them.
Christ said that many Catholics who should pray every day cannot be bothered to do so: cannot be bothered to turn in regular conversation to the one Who created them, died to save them, sustains them in being, and will one day judge them.
Christ will say, to some of the Christians who come to Him to be judged: "You say you loved Me, though you ignored My Mother?" Then that person will see how grievously He has offended Christ, who told us to honour our mothers and fathers and Who now lives in Heaven with His Virgin Mother beside Him.
Many of the Clergy are content to encourage their flocks in doing good; yet they neglect those people by failing to warn them of the grievous consequences of deliberate rejection of God, the Church or the Commandments. Falsely supposing that a man will be saved, no matter what sort of life he has led, they never mention Eternal suffering in Hell
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