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Vocations have a 'seed-bed': wherever families believe and practice the Faith, love Christ and His Church, obey their pastors, and train their children, as they ought, to treasure their spiritual heritage.
Where families are faithful to the teachings of the Church, out of love for Christ and His pastors, they act as a seed-bed for vocations to the Priesthood and religious life. How can the Faith be handed on fervently by Catholics who don't believe or practice it?
Where families are faithful to the teachings of the Church, out of love for Christ and His pastors, they act as a seed-bed for vocations to the Priesthood and religious life. How can the Faith be handed on fervently by Catholics who don't believe or practice it?
God our Father does not want to see families destroyed. He does not want to see violence between spouses, nor desertion; nor contraception, abortion, egg or sperm 'donation', production of human life in laboratories, or embryo research, or other immoral practices.
God our Father does not want to see families destroyed. He does not want to see violence between spouses, nor desertion; nor contraception, abortion, egg or sperm 'donation', production of human life in laboratories, or embryo research, or other immoral practices.
It is plain that human beings should look after their families according to God's laws, which are the laws of their own nature. A man and woman are designed to come together in love, to produce children. The life-long faithful union of such a couple is the union properly called 'marriage'.
We should trust that God sees our efforts to love Him. If we worry about our little failings, when we are exhausted from having done great work for Him amidst opposition and spiritual assaults, we are like a soldier who has travelled hundreds of miles in dangerous mountains to save the lives of his comrades, and who now lies wounded, but who apologises for not having cleaned his teeth or done up his top shirt button.
The new road being made represents the road never-before trodden by the couple who have now become a married couple joined by God. Yet their road joins up with a great highway which leads to Heaven, and represents God the Father's plan for the human race. It is His will that families move forwards together, each man and woman with their children, living close to other families who also live in peace and goodness, remaining aware of their Heavenly destination.
Do you live in an 'ordinary street', in an ordinary town? Whether we come from poor and humble backgrounds, or rich families, from terraced houses or mud huts or palaces, we are all called to be Saints. We can achieve this by loving Jesus Christ and doing His Will. The Church tells us what is His Will; and she gives us all we need to be obedient and faithful.
Catholics who persist in disbelieving much of what the Church teaches are like men struggling to walk up a mountain, taking care not to fall into narrow gullies, water-logged ditches, or near loose boulders, when they ignore the fellow Catholic who calls out to them, asking them to join him on the safe, narrow path which leads directly to Heaven. Dissenters support one another, but do not move to the safe route.
When there has been a death, or a tragedy for the nation, it is important that all who mourn, or work for justice, or show sympathy for others, or demonstrate for change, open their hearts to the influence of the Holy Spirit, and refuse entry to the spirit of hatred, lies and malice which is Satan.
There are times in life when a person who had been mired for a long time in habitual sin sees clearly the consequences of those sins, if he fails to conquer them. It's as if a war-zone lies in front of Him with destruction in every direction. Yet he has only to call out to God in humility, to find that God swoops to rescue him, and bring him to safety.
Those who died in a state of grace, but not pure enough for Heaven, must remain sheltered from glory, for a while, whereas a person who is full of love for Christ, and has confessed her sins, received Holy Communion, and also gained a plenary indulgence, finds that after death she flies straight into the arms of Jesus, in Heaven. She is greeted, too, by all the Saints - including Christ's Mother Mary - and all the angels.
Jesus told His friends a parable to encourage them to pray and not lose heart. But then He asked, about the future: "When the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?" Today, He is asking us: Can He find faith in our homes? Are Catholic families following the teachings of the Church Christ founded, and teaching them to their children?
God looks with horror upon abortion and related sins; it is as though a large fence separates the lives of those who do God's Will and obey His laws from those who deliberately choose to go against Him. Beyond the 'fence' lies darkness of soul and intellect and little hope of eternal joy.
When societies in which abortion is common-place offer help to poorer countries, they sometimes make their offer of aid conditional upon the adoption of immoral practices such as contraception, abortion, and sterilisation. They damage families, and foster an anti-child mentality amongst women by their extreme feminist propaganda. It is a modern form of colonialism.
The sanctuary of a Catholic church is a holy place, just as was the holy of holies in the Temple at Jerusalem. A man who enters the sanctuary as a priest to offer Christ in sacrifice, in the Mass, should be pure and holy in body, mind and soul. If he is not, he should repent, and confess his sins when he can.
Truly, God is our All-holy and All-wise Creator. In the Mind of God - as if in a bright cloud - lies the image of a tiny child, designed by God to develop further into an adult, and then to proceed to Eternal life in Heaven. Every human being has received life as a gift from God. The destruction of babies by abortion is loathsome, in His sight.
Truly, God is our All-holy and All-wise Creator. In the Mind of God - as if in a bright cloud - lies the image of a tiny child, designed by God to develop further into an adult, and then to proceed to Eternal life in Heaven. Every human being has received life as a gift from God. The destruction of babies by abortion is loathsome, in His sight.
As if in a bright cloud, deep in the Mind of God, lies the image of the first man and woman, with the child who is the fruit of their union. It is God's plan that each man and woman joined in marriage should treasure the children they conceive, each of whom is given life from God. It is horrible, in God's eyes, when anyone destroys babies, whether inside or outside the womb.
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