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Showing 561 - 580 of 1263
Truly, I have a tremendous dignity (the Lord explained) as a practicing Catholic in a state of grace who can be confident of my every prayer being heard and answered. It's as if my arms reach out to Heaven, as the Father holds out His arms to greet me.
The happy group of friends at the party gave joy to God through their grace before the meal, their faithfulness to marriage and to friendship, their love of God's gifts of laughter, food, drink and music, as men and women together celebrated a birthday and therefore life itself, which is a gift - from God.
Christ showed me that when He looks at me when I am suffering, it is as if He is looking with love at a little child; and His only desire is to help me and give me inner peace, and comfort and joy.
God greets a cry of love from one of His 'children' with the delight felt by an earthly father who hears a cry of love from his little child. Truly, we delight God by our loving exclamations of gratitude and praise.
The best prayer is that which is offered through Christ, in the Sacred Liturgy. Yet as God gazes upon the world with love He notices with delight each 'spark' of prayer offered by people who believe in Him as their Creator and Judge and Goal.
Christ is touched to the heart by every sign of devotion to Him in His Passion, which He endured out of love for us all. He wants us to pray to Him, even if the image in our hearts or the knowledge in our hearts is not perfectly accurate. The Sacred Liturgy is supremely important for prayer, but we should encourage everyone, of every faith, to trust in God and to turn to Him in prayer.
It is the Lord's wish that our Bishops teach and reinforce the 'basics' of the Catholic life, which include regular and reverent Liturgical and private prayer, care of family and the needy, celebration of feasts and fasts, love for the Church, for the glory of the Holy Trinity, following Jesus.
There are many dangers to earthly life, such as pollution and famine. Yet people are in far greater danger if they risk the life of their immortal souls, through immoral behavior. Serious sin cuts us off from the love and life of God.
There are many dangers to earthly life, such as pollution and famine. Yet people are in far greater danger if they risk the life of their immortal souls, through immoral behavior. Serious sin cuts us off from the love and life of God.
Christ showed me His delight in the care taken to prepare a worthy place for the pyx to be placed. Christ Himself, Present in the Blessed Sacrament, showed His joy that, for love of Him, I had placed flowers before that little 'altar'.
When Christ 'visits the sick' through the Blessed Sacrament being brought by a priest or extraordinary minister of communion to a sick person, He is delighted to know that, out of love for Him, some Catholics make reverent practical and spiritual preparations.
Parts of the earth lie in darkness, again. For God, looking at the earth, it is as if lights on the earth which normally shine out to Heaven, are extinguished, where Catholics routinely go against the Commandments, particularly about chastity and about married love. It is just as when people working for the National Grid see large, un-lit areas suddenly appear on their screens.
A person who hates gardening will not be pleased to have a gardening set as a present; so a person who will not look at God's gifts with gratitude and would refuse to use them, should not expect to receive them as a present.
God the Father showed me, in prayer, that when I am forgiven, joyful, and very close to Him in the bond of charity, it's as if I sit at His feet, in silence and peace, as He strokes my hair.
Christ our God can see the whole earth, all at once, and everyone on it. And He can see our countries, towns, homes and hearts. He is at work to guide us to make wise decisions. He longs to see us happy and holy both now and forever. Nothing is hidden from Him.
Christ is concerned for everyone and everything on our planet as He intercedes for us and offers His Holy Sacrifice.
I saw a person clinging to the wall of the Abyss, hurling insults up towards Christ, yet in danger - at the least violent movement - of falling into the depths. He needs our prayers.
Wherever Catholics try to teach, organise, plan, run programmes, or live without reverence for Christ or love for Him Really Present in the Holy Eucharist, their lives become a spiritual wasteland, like a sheet of melting ice where few creatures can live, and there is no firm foothold.
A Catholic's soul is almost lifeless - like a vast melting ice sheet unable to provide for life - if there is no evident love for Jesus, especially for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Catholic programmes are deeply flawed which omit, diminish or scorn devotion to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.
From the fatherly love of God - like a pinpoint far in the distance, before time - has come everything good: Creation, life, God's plan of salvation, the Son Who died for us, the Spirit Who guides us, the Church which sanctifies us.
Showing 561 - 580 of 1263