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Truly, God has revealed what He is 'like': so loving and humble that He was willing to let His creatures mock and kill Him, rather than abandon His mission to save us from sin. And now, we can be present at Mass, where that same loving Saviour offers His Eternal Sacrifice.
The Father reminded me of the importance of the prayer-card which I am completing: "Ready for Heaven?" God loves us all; but there is a desperate need for sinners to repent and change. Some Catholics are far from ready for Heaven. Many are not even fit for Purgatory.
Christ told me that His message is simple: It is all 'about' love. Because of His love for each of us, He wants to draw us towards Heaven and save us from Hell. Hence His constant teachings in His own day, and ours, about repentance, change, and the sacraments of the Church.
Christ is touched to the heart by every sign of devotion to Him in His Passion - which He endured out of love for us all. He wants us to revere the crucifix, pray the stations of the Cross, and make the sign of the Cross with reverence and care.
Truly, I have a tremendous dignity (the Lord explained) as a practicing Catholic in a state of grace who can be confident of my every prayer being heard and answered. It's as if my arms reach out to Heaven, as the Father holds out His arms to greet me.
The happy group of friends at the party gave joy to God through their grace before the meal, their faithfulness to marriage and to friendship, their love of God's gifts of laughter, food, drink and music, as men and women together celebrated a birthday and therefore life itself, which is a gift - from God.
Christ showed me that when He looks at me when I am suffering, it is as if He is looking with love at a little child; and His only desire is to help me and give me inner peace, and comfort and joy.
Christ is touched to the heart by every sign of devotion to Him in His Passion, which He endured out of love for us all. He wants us to pray to Him, even if the image in our hearts or the knowledge in our hearts is not perfectly accurate. The Sacred Liturgy is supremely important for prayer, but we should encourage everyone, of every faith, to trust in God and to turn to Him in prayer.
God the Father showed me, in prayer, that when I am forgiven, joyful, and very close to Him in the bond of charity, it's as if I sit at His feet, in silence and peace, as He strokes my hair.
Christ our God can see the whole earth, all at once, and everyone on it. And He can see our countries, towns, homes and hearts. He is at work to guide us to make wise decisions. He longs to see us happy and holy both now and forever. Nothing is hidden from Him.
Christ is concerned for everyone and everything on our planet as He intercedes for us and offers His Holy Sacrifice.
From the fatherly love of God - like a pinpoint far in the distance, before time - has come everything good: Creation, life, God's plan of salvation, the Son Who died for us, the Spirit Who guides us, the Church which sanctifies us.
Christ would not let me pray anymore, when I was exhausted from giving a talk about Him. It was as if He held me like someone holding a sick relation, as He invited me to rest, and to recover my energy.
Our Beloved Lady came to me in my hotel room. She was radiant, and glorious as a Queen. She consoled me in my difficulties, and assured me that her son was pleased with me, and glad that I persevere to bring encouragement to many in the Church.
Christ commended me for being willing to wait in patience, when a hospital procedure was delayed. He showed me an image of Himself beside me in the waiting area, and said to me: "Let us wait together". He is immensely kind!
An event so marvellous as the birth, in our world, of the Incarnate Son of God could not pass unnoticed. The Angels who witnessed this event could not have failed to burst into song, praising the Father for His infinite love for mankind, and praising Christ for His love and humility.
When Christ is made Present before us at the Consecration, the holy Angels stand awe-struck at the love He shows towards us by coming amongst us in this astounding way. They are absorbed in adoration of the God-man, Jesus, substantially Present in the Holy Eucharist.
Even in the coldest, bleakest surroundings, no-one on earth, not even the poorest peasant in the most dingy hovel (Christ explained) has the right to end his own life or to ask someone to do it for him. If we accepted the power of God into our lives, the love given through Christ, we would look after one another.
A person trapped in sin can benefit from the prayers of other people on her behalf. Through them, God can shine a light on that sinner's life and actions, so she can see things clearly, and decide to change. God is merciful - but some people refuse to act in response to His love.
God wants everyone to come to knowledge of the truth: about the meaning of life, and about His love for us, revealed in His Son Jesus Christ. But people who avoid the truth or refuse to change are trapped in a darkness of their own making, unlike believers who turn to Heaven with confidence.
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