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What must it be like for people who die, and who finally realise that Jesus is indeed the Son of God: Jesus Christ, Whom they have ignored or contradicted in their earthly lives, perhaps from ignorance? Imagine their pain, realising that they could have spent a life-time on earth indwelt by the Blessed Trinity, and living in a loving union with God.
The Godhead is like a pure, holy Fire of love; and all who have been purified can enter that love, after death, without pain or fear. They have been so transformed by Christ, and through prayer and penance, that they resemble God; and in their union with God they experience the bliss and peace of heaven.
People in Government, in any country, who promote legislation which encourages abortion or sexual immorality, or other serious evils, will find themselves moving along the 'broad road' to Hell, unless they repent before they die. In Hell, there is no love, peace, purity or joy but only fire, terror, noise, anger and pain.
When we speak up bravely, when appropriate, about sin, and when we offer up our pains and tribulations in union with Jesus, to help others in their trials, and to save souls, we do indeed help them, by the grace of God. It's as if, as we have helped people to avoid sin, we have helped them to avoid a great pit at the centre of their ordinary life, which represents the alienation from God that sinners risk, by their own actions.
We are on a long climb, as if up a rope, on a cliff-face, in our efforts to reach Heaven in a state of holiness. We sometimes grow weary. We are in pain, or tempted to let go of the rope to enjoy some freedom from our daily routine of service. If we really let go - by deliberate mortal sin - we are doomed, except for a miracle. By faith and prayer, we can persevere to the top.
It is not wise for any artist to paint naked figures, or figures with revealing or immodest clothing, which will incite or increase lustful thoughts in the minds of those who gaze at them. Even though attempts to cover up the genitalia on a famous painting have been mocked, Christ looks on with gladness when crude art works or obscene materials are taken out of sight, or covered up.
Mother Teresa, and Pope John Paul II, each suffered greatly in earthly life, but did so without grumbling; rather, they accepted and offered up their pains in union with Christ, to save souls and to help the Church; and, through their faith in Christ, and His grace, they are now being embraced by Him in Heaven. They are immensely joyful.
It is the Will of God that religious icons or paintings in any medium show out the limits of the Catholic Faith, even the sad ones which warn us to avoid the tricks and temptation of Satan or risk falling into Hell, by our own freely-made choices.
A Christian artist is right to use images of a font or a full-immersion Baptismal pool in paintings, as reminders of the process of conversion and sanctification. This is the path the Heaven: the path which leads through Baptism to union with the Blessed Trinity - and, as life continues, a way of even deeper purification necessary because of day-to-day sins.
Christ is never indifferent to our pains and sufferings. No-matter how alone we feel, we should believe that He is close by at work to ease our sufferings and to bring us help in the midst of trails. It is as if He has His arms round each individual, holding each one close to His heart.
Every detail of our lives is of interest to God, Who loves us as a good father loves his children. Whatever good things we do, God is willing and able to help us with them, whether we build, make music, nurse the sick, or paint for His glory and to delight or help other people. He cannot help us to do evil - though He can bring good out of the evil we do.
God is good, and just; therefore everyone who dies receives a just judgement; and even people who commit suicide are judged by Him. He understands the pain and sorrow that cause some people almost to lose hope of finding joy; but it is wrong for anyone to reject the gift of life and to kill himself, or to ask other people to take his life because he is very sick or disabled.
Christ invited us to set aside our distractions at Mass, and to rejoice that He is now amongst us in glory, now that His painful Work on earth had been completed, with His Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven. He wants His triumph to give us hope in our struggles against sin and hopelessness. With His power, we can persevere.
Especially if we are doing important work for Christ, the evil one is capable of hurling painful memories to our imagination, trying to stir up our minds in fruitless speculation, so that we will lose trust in Christ and become miserable or afraid - or full of self-pity, or anxiety. We must not give in, but should focus our minds, by God's grace, on all the good things for which we can be thankful to God.
Saturation Coverage: The Lord wants everyone to know that the Mass is Christ's Holy Sacrifice. The Lord said that just as commercial people ensure saturation coverage of their products, placing images as widely as possible, He is doing the same, through Radiant Light, though not for monetary profit but spiritual benefits for all - spreading and using those paintings of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. That is why He has given me so many hundreds of images of the Mass.
Some people say: 'Why does God let people suffer in Hell. Can't He destroy sinners?' It is not in God's nature to destroy, like a mythical God who is proud of his power. He is all-love, and lovingly reaches out to us through His Son, warning us of the danger of sin and disobedience. The sufferings of Hell are caused by the loss of God, through a person's own fault, and through the demons, who delight in causing pain.
We help the whole Church by every good thought we have, every good deed we do, every humiliation or pain met with patience not resentment, and every prayer, and every act of humility or reverence; and the Church includes the Holy Souls in Purgatory, many of whom are released into Heaven - by the grace of Christ, because of the good we do.
There are worse tragedies than illness. There was once an advert that portrayed the pain of a family who lost a beloved member through sudden death. How terrible it is, if a member is lost forever, through not having prepared for death by repentance, holy living, prayer, and trust in God. Some people rule themselves out of Heaven by their sins or disbelief.
If a person imagines that he can achieve union with God by his own strenuous efforts, he is mistaken. Christ, God and man, has told us so, and invites us to have faith in Him and to share His Divine life through Baptism. We can do penance for sin; but no-one achieves union by building a tower to be closer to Heaven, or by walking painfully, barefoot, round the world, or by walking on hot coals or by any other efforts.
We can save souls, by the grace of Christ, through our prayers and sacrifices. No matter how sick we are, nor how feeble our efforts, if we offer up our prayers, and our pains as penances for people trapped in sin and in danger of falling into the Abyss (into Hell), and if we offer everything in union with Christ's Sacrifice, we join in His work of salvation.
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