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It is worthwhile to persist in prayer for people in need, or in great trouble, and to pray even when there seem to be few results and little help. By prayer, a fervent soul can stop another from committing worse sins. By prayer, we can even prevent dying souls from falling into Hell.
In intercession, it is as if God allows one person to descend on a rope to rescue another person who is stranded in a deep shaft underground. Both are dependent on God, but the one praying is in touch with God and the one waiting to be rescued is on a broken ladder, with no way 'up'.
In intercession, it is as if God allows one person to descend on a rope to rescue another person who is stranded in a deep shaft underground. Both are dependent on God, but the one praying is in touch with God and the one waiting to be rescued is on a broken ladder, with no way 'up'.
When someone perseveres in intercession for a person in danger, it's as if someone allows herself to be suspended on a rope and lowered into a mineshaft, to rescue someone trapped on a broken ladder with no way up and only danger below. The 'rescuer' has to be supported from above; but she can invite the endangered person to hold on, and to be brought up high, to light and safety.
If we greet Christ warmly in Holy Communion, we want to see our friends enjoy His love; and we can help them by our prayers, and by 'Christ-within-us' reaching out to include others in His embrace.
I was shown how marvellously worthwhile is the prayer of intercession. It is as if we hold up before God, through a great procession before Heaven, all the individuals we keep in mind. Truly, they receive help from God, through our prayers for them and God's mercy.
As I pray to the Father, in Jesus' name, in the Spirit, asking for help for someone in need, I can be certain that Jesus too prays for that praiseworthy intention, with His whole attention, and His Spirit's love and power.
When we pray to God, in Jesus' name, for help for someone in need, we can be sure that God sends down grace from Heaven, like a stream of glory, to enfold that person in need, to enlighten his mind and strengthen his will to do good - if he will respond and turn to God.
A person who is trapped in immorality, to satisfy his appetites, is like a man living deep in the earth, in a small cellar with a trap-door. For a Christian to live like that is shameful - and for a priest to do so is especially tragic - though even the most sinful people can be helped by the intercessions of others.
It is important that when we pray for other people, we pray with confidence and hope. God has foreseen everything that will ever happen. He has already taken account of our prayers, in His plans for souls, and our world. We should trust that when we ask, He helps.
Held in the love of the Three Divine Persons, we can intercede for others. A person who loves God brings close to God all the people she carries in her heart.
Held in the love of the Three Divine Persons, we can intercede for others. A person who loves God brings close to God all the people she carries in her heart.
Whenever we ask a particular Saint for special help through prayer, it's as if the Saints make a space for that Heavenly friend to descend from amongst them, to ask us: "What can I do to help you?"
Christ spoke to me about all the people in my heart in need of help, and all my other concerns. He said, "BRING THEM ALL TO ME", and assured me that He can 'deal' with all our problems and petitions.
In the lower depths of Purgatory are souls - like desperate people in a mediaeval dungeon who huddle close to the walls - who have no-one to pray for them.
It is tragic to see someone walking as if in a 'tunnel' of gloom, hidden, by a life of sin, from enjoying God's light, and with none of the peace-of-soul that comes with repentance. Such a soul is in need of the powerful help brought by the prayers of a friend, and the grace of God.
We are right to pray for souls in Purgatory, where good people are made perfect. No-one wants to leave Purgatory who cannot yet gaze upon God with child-like joy and gratitude.
Though we must pray and work to help the needy all over the world, we must keep our thoughts also on Heaven, lest we become despondent, forgetting the glory and joy that await God's friends. Yet we must think, too, about our preparation. Only the pure and holy are ready to enter.
I saw a person clinging to the wall of the Abyss, hurling insults up towards Christ, yet in danger - at the least violent movement - of falling into the depths. He needs our prayers.
By our sincere intercessions we help to save souls in mortal sin who, if they do not change, will fall into Hell.
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