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At the Mass, we are present as Christ prays for us to be forgiven. When He is made Really Present at the Consecration, it is as though we have a pathway, in Him, through time and space, to be present to all He has done for us in His earthly life, supremely to the once-for-all Sacrifice of the Cross, on which He suffered to win forgiveness for sinners, including ourselves. By His Precious Blood, He sealed a new Covenant between Heaven and earth. By His Resurrection He conquered sin and death.
It's as if the Holy Souls are invited to wait, on a ledge, able to see the Abyss from which God has saved them. They cannot yet enter Heaven. Some people need a lengthy purification because, when on earth, they made compromises with the world which were scandalous or shameful, in the sight of God, Who sees everything. When our attempts to 'fit in' lead us to scorn or disobey God's Commandments, we shall have a prolonged Purgatory to endure, to be made worthy of Heaven, even when we have confessed our sins before we die.
A person speaking in parliament to initiate or support immoral laws need not believe that he has won his case, or succeeded in changing matters, for ever. Justice will prevail in the end; and he himself will have to account for all his sins to the almighty Father whose laws he has ignored in order to promote what is merely popular, or easy to support.
The Scriptures say: 'Test the spirits'. Christ is the light of the world, and the love of God made visible; and He is alive, active in our world through His Spirit. We recognise Him in all that is done in His name in truthfulness, genuine charity, a desire to save souls, and a longing to glorify the Father in prayer. It is not Christ Who rocks tables as curious people call up unknown spirits, or claim to have new inspired Scriptures from God, or who shriek and dance, promising miracles to stir up interest in their own signs and wonders!
It is true that many priests deserve more rest; however, some priests are as if hiding away, uncommunicative, loathing ordinary life and interaction. Whether this is because of sin or hopelessness, there is no way to find change, and lasting joy, except through a renewal of their dedication to Christ, Who called them to the Priesthood. With sincere trust in Him, they can fulfil their basic duties and persevere in prayer.
There is no easy way out of trouble. If a priest is very sinful, or dispirited and hopeless, and wants to escape from his misery, the only sensible way is by turning to Christ, beginning again to trust in Him, to repent, to pray, and to receive His gifts, for the service of God and neighbour, just as the only sensible way for a man in prison to act is to act well, until the door opens to freedom rather that try to dig a tunnel with bare hands through a brick wall.
A blanket of fresh, gleaming snow looks beautiful, but underneath are hidden the gloomy depths of the earth, with damp vegetation, and worms. Many souls are like this. Catholics who persuade themselves that they are not sinning, and who never go to confession, are good only on the surface, and ill-prepared for Heaven.
Some Catholics seem to lead pure, orderly, admirable lives - like a garden freshly-covered in a blanket of snow - but beneath the surface there is a great depth of filth, gloom and decay. The remedy for sin is Confession, and a renewal of God's grace within the soul.
Christ asks us to share the truth with hesitant Catholics, that the surest way to a holy life, and a confident but holy journey to Heaven, is to make a good Confession; then, freed from all sin, and trusting in Christ, in prayer, and guided by the teachings of His Church, the Way ahead becomes clear.
There are worse tragedies than illness. There was once an advert that portrayed the pain of a family who lost a beloved member through sudden death. How terrible it is, if a member is lost forever, through not having prepared for death by repentance, holy living, prayer, and trust in God. Some people rule themselves out of Heaven by their sins or disbelief.
It sometimes seems as though the family which is the Church is subject to so much opposition and criticism that she is alone, like a home after a snow-storm: snowed-in, apparently uncomfortable; yet the truth is that life goes on within her. In her light and warmth, which are the light and warmth of God and His Son, the members of the family are still being nurtured, fed, trained, consoled and encouraged. The Holy Spirit is at work, unceasingly.
There are atheists who freely, resolutely refuse to believe in God, or to love or obey Him, and when they die, it's as if some are puzzled not to see the God Whom others have spoken about; yet they shrug as if it matters little, before realising the direction of their self-chosen route. They have put themselves on the path away from God, into Hell.
God does not force anyone to love or serve Him; and some people even choose sinful ways of life, and freely walk along, refusing to repent and change, even though the path leads to Hell. This is as foolish as walking along a snowy street in a well-lit town, then choosing to follow a narrow track into a snow-covered field, where it is so cold that people there will inevitably die of exposure.
Even if a man were to walk barefoot round the whole world, on hot coals, to prove himself worthy of union with the Divine, he would not be successful. No-one can make himself pleasing to God by his own efforts, although it pleases the Father when people try to do what is right. Union with God is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in a living faith, which leads believers to reproduce in their lives the good works that Jesus did.
If a person imagines that he can achieve union with God by his own strenuous efforts, he is mistaken. Christ, God and man, has told us so, and invites us to have faith in Him and to share His Divine life through Baptism. We can do penance for sin; but no-one achieves union by building a tower to be closer to Heaven, or by walking painfully, barefoot, round the world, or by walking on hot coals or by any other efforts.
Whether abortion clinics or certain types of nightclub, some attractive buildings hide dreadfully sinful behaviour. It can happen that a woman who is unexpectantly pregnant panics, thinks only of her own worries, and not about the life of her tiny child. In her icy desert of despair - a 'winter' of isolation - she might look upon an abortion clinic as a place of safety, help, and support which is warm, well-lit, and staffed by non-judgemental people who promise relief from her problem. She deserves compassion, but the truth is that the clinic is organised for the routine killing of tiny babies in the womb.
If any religion suggests that riches or worldly success are a sign of God's approval of certain persons, and that poverty is shameful, and if people develop habits of ignoring or despising the poor, it is plainly not founded by the God of love, Who sent His Son to earth, Who founded a Church which hands on His Gospel of love: His teaching about God's love for all people, rich and poor. Christ has revealed to us the true nature of God.
It is dangerous to succumb to spiritual stagnation when a priest or other person goes on prolonged leave, or a lengthy sabbatical, but for far too long, with little relish for prayer, and becoming weighed down with discontent; then it is time for him to look carefully at his relationship to God. Just as a buoy, left under the surface of the sea, becomes encrusted with shellfish and festooned with seaweed, becoming almost unrecognisable, so there is a danger of losing interest in a vocation, or becoming graceless and hopeless, unless changes are made.
When a person risks falling into serious sin, or does engage in it, it is as if he is isolating himself from the community of the faithful. Even if he then avoids sin, but remains isolated, listless, scarcely bothering to pray, and discontented, he is not out of danger - like a man strolling on the moors who avoids deep crevasses but might die of exposure if he is there for too long.
We pray, in the Mass, "Save us from final damnation". It is Jesus Christ who calls out from our altar, across the Abyss which separates earth from Heaven, and asks the Father to save those who are present, or who are associated with the Mass, for example sick members. The Faithful Departed are the other people helped by His sacrificial prayer. Catholics who refuse to attend regularly or at all, are refusing to be present as Christ prays for them. They condemn themselves, by their attitude.
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