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God sees, from Heaven, every thought, word and deed of ours. He looks at us with love, even when we sin; yet we need to ask ourselves: "Is this something that should be brought before him? Is it worthy of Heaven?"
God sees, from Heaven, every thought, word and deed of ours. He looks at us with love, even when we sin; yet we need to ask ourselves: "Is this something that should be brought before him? Is it worthy of Heaven?"
Whenever we honour the Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament the angels and saints join us in our worship
The Lord explained that He delights in giving gifts to those who ask in faith for His help - and He is lavish in His response. This applies to beautiful weather and glorious skies as much spiritual requests.
Truly, God has revealed what He is 'like': so loving and humble that He was willing to let His creatures mock and kill Him, rather than abandon His mission to save us from sin. And now, we can be present at Mass, where that same loving Saviour offers His Eternal Sacrifice.
God's love never ceases towards us, as it never ceased towards our first parents on the occasion of the Original Sin. Yet they damaged their relationship with God, and needed reconciliation and healing.
The Father reminded me of the importance of the prayer-card which I am completing: "Ready for Heaven?" God loves us all; but there is a desperate need for sinners to repent and change. Some Catholics are far from ready for Heaven. Many are not even fit for Purgatory.
Some people who live in serious sin deliberately seek pleasure by hurting others, act like wild beasts or, rather, deranged animals. They should be treated with caution as well as care.
It is true that we should be kind to everyone; yet we need to be prudent and watchful in dealing with people who seem to be half 'out of their minds' due to their uncontrolled appetites.
A woman in Purgatory exclaims: 'Oh God, if only I had known'. She wished she had believed more firmly that God is real, and that sin should be abandoned, and that it's important to prepare for Heaven.
Christ can see into our hearts. He 'sees' our sins and weaknesses, the forces that mould us, our deepest yearnings, and our daily decisions. If we believe in Heaven and Hell, we will pray, and make wise choices.
Christ is deeply touched whenever we take care to show reverence by our gestures and thoughts; honouring Him by the Sign of the Cross; by kneeling, if we can; by being alert in prayer, by kissing sacred objects.
The Precious Blood is made present on our altar. Jesus Christ our God shed His Blood rather than destroy the sinful people who opposed Him; and thus He showed out His nature, which is love.
We are right to speak of 'falling' into sin, or of the danger of falling 'down' into Hell. Just as we are deeply saddened when earthly lives end in tragedy, so we should be saddened even more by the results sin can bring us, in the 'pit' of damnation.
It is tragic to see someone walking as if in a 'tunnel' of gloom, hidden, by a life of sin, from enjoying God's light, and with none of the peace-of-soul that comes with repentance. Such a soul is in need of the powerful help brought by the prayers of a friend, and the grace of God.
If we are ever overwhelmed by shame about our past lives, tempted to be despondent even though we are loved and forgiven, we can be sure that Christ wants us to remember His Apostles. Even Peter and others sinned - yet were chosen by God for His work.
Christ blesses us and gives us peace and security.
As corn is cut whether by a sickle or a machine, so wherever prayer is offered to God the Father in the name of Jesus, His Son, by sincere people, such prayer honours Him; and it brings blessings upon those who offer it - whether at formal gatherings or in small private groups, or individuals.
Mortal sin is like a whirlpool. It is easy to be swept into it, and it is impossible to escape disaster. In the life based on the Sacred Liturgy, however, we can be carried powerfully along by the sacraments and holy habits, until we arrive on the shore of Heaven.
The Lord showed me people shouting out in anxiety and alarm about carbon footprints, and worrying about their earthly lives. No danger in life should cause us as much alarm as the danger to our souls, by sin, which can bring a death worse that any earthly death, since the death of charity in our souls leads to the loss of God - which is Hell - unless we repent before we die.
Showing 361 - 380 of 1372