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The soul which loves Christ draws along others on its train, as it pursues its task, in the baptismal priesthood of all who love and obey Christ.
Then he took my soul upwards, on silent wings, into His own 'unknowing' prayer.
Christ's light and radiance are poured unto our hearts, and so upon the departed souls whom Christ 'Encounters' there.
I sat at the side of my soul - as it were - offering Christ's own glory to the Father, in praise and adoration.
Purified souls now walk on a flower-carpet, in joy and simplicity, freed from all cynicism and hard-heartedness.
Purified souls now walk on a carpet of flowers in joy and simplicity, freed from all cynicism and hard-heartedness
At a word of confession and contrition, the soul soars into the heart of God, freed from its chains of sin or silliness.
The more bravely a soul grows and reaches out towards God, the closer to the Father she brings all who are in Her heart!
Christ taught me how to reach out to the true sanctuary within the soul, where even pain is forgotten, at His greeting.
When a weak person implores God's help, His grace pours upon and through that soul, lavishly. The one who feels strong remains closed to God.
What a vast space - as it were - is the soul which has been prepared by God. When personal needs are small, thousands may shelter.
God draws into His bliss after death those who can bear the brightness of glory, while those who are still consumed by shame wait below.
The souls of Purgatory are drawn into God's bliss as soon as they can bear the brightness of His glory
Within our souls, the divine life is like a torrent of deep water, full of life, light and power, channelled through our will, our consent.
When a soul offers everything, in homage to the Father, everything in that life is drawn upwards, by God to Himself.
However brightly-polished may be the 'window' of our souls, if we keep the shutter half-shut we shut out God, our light.
What steel doors some souls have, not admitting the Spirit, trapped by their own will in their own coffin-kingdoms.
Wherever a soul delivers up its life for God's work and glory, the Kingdom of God touches this Earth, and God truly reigns.
God's Kingdom touches the earth whenever a soul delivers up its life for His work and glory
The one who consents (by self-denial) to soar to the Father, united to Christ in His prayer, draws within the soul all its beloved ones.
Showing 141 - 160 of 740