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Even someone as selfless and Christ-centered as Mother Teresa had to undergo - for her soul's sake - a long period in interior darkness. God provided her with this spiritual purification to make her perfect, as her order expanded and she experienced outward success and adulation as well as opposition.
The Church needs fervent witnesses who know Christ, as well as theologians who can explain the truths of the Faith. A theologian is like a geography teacher who can give very valuable facts about the world and its resources. A witness is like an experienced traveller who can tell people through TV programmes, "I have been to meet Christ - and this is what He is like! It is really worthwhile to make the journey."
My soul is like a holy Temple within me, where God the Most Holy Trinity dwells. I can withdraw into that holy place whenever the worldly clamour grows too loud, or whenever I want to praise and pray to the Lord: to Jesus, or the Father or the Holy Spirit.
It is important to maintain a state of grace. Christ reminds us that the soul is a holy place, because of the Divine indwelling. We can withdraw into that place whenever the clamour 'outside' is too loud, as we work for Christ's Kingdom; and we shall find peace, comfort and refreshment, even when we are in the public eye.
Bishops as well as lay-persons sometimes sadden Christ by their behaviour. Christ said that many Bishops are disobedient to His wishes when they ignore the Pope's instructions, or fail to hand on the Faith in its fullness - and then make excuses for themselves.
Christ in His Passion was cheered on by millions of watching Angels; and we who follow Him in our own work and sufferings can be certain that we have Saints as well as Angels cheering us on, encouraging us to persevere.
As the Son of God pondered His descent to our sinful world, He knew that through all His future agonies He would have millions of Angels cheering Him on. He wants us to know that as we meet opposition (from inside as well as outside the Church) in the practice of the Faith, we have not only Angels but also thousands of Saints, cheering us on.
Christ is true God, as well as true man. The bright cloud represented the Godhead, and Heaven; and as it split open, Christ emerged, willing to descend to earth to live as a sinless man in a sinful world, to save us from Hell. The Angels looked on in awe and wonder, seeing His love for us all.
People who are both reverent and well-instructed demonstrate their reverence for Jesus Christ, Present in the tabernacle. They bend the knee before Him in a reverent genuflection, on entering or leaving their place in a church, and when passing by the tabernacle.
Whether we are healthy or disabled, Christ told me that when we pray before the tabernacle, where He dwells, it is as though each of us is like a child sitting on the steps beneath His Heavenly throne, enjoying His company as He enjoys our conversation.
People who persist in sin, and 'drown', are doomed souls 'lost' in the ocean, and utterly lacking the grace of God which is life. Yet they will rise up at the end of time, for the Last Judgement, when the justice of God will be revealed, as well as His marvellous work of salvation.
We are right to pray for people in need: for the poor, the sick, those in prison or held hostage, and many more; but there are people in need of prayer who are often well-fed and physically strong, but left in darkness by their atheism: their lack of belief in God. Large areas of the world are afflicted by this tragedy.
Any politician who wants to help his country should oppose with all His might unjust and immoral new laws. Once such a bad law is passed, it is easier for sinister, related matters to gain approval, and the government becomes like a runaway train which endangers onlookers as well as passengers.
It is sensible to prepare and plan before Sunday arrives. Christ asks us to remember that Sunday is a day of rest. We should remember that it is the Lord's Day: the Christian Sabbath. Praise and thanks should be foremost in our minds, but we are wise to have some leisure, refreshment, celebration, and rest, to show out our gratitude and to fulfil God's plans for our lives. He wants us to enjoy good things, as well as to be conscientious at work during the week.
Even more important than action in the world, to abolish the evil of abortion, is prayer. People in monasteries, inspired to pray about this tragedy, should pray, as should people in the whole world, as well; the God Who loathes injustice, will overcome this evil in our society today.
Christ told me that in His earthly life He spoke frankly about Hell as well as Heaven; yet few of those who teach the Faith, today, tell the truth about Hell. Yet, He said, through their freely-made choices, thousands fall into Hell each day; this is why it is important the people see my 'Last Judgement' picture, and reflect on it.
The Lord delights in seeing mothers who love their children and who are able to care for them at home - though He understands that in sad circumstances this is not always possible, and knows that some mothers who wish to pursue a career make good arrangements for their childrens' well-being.
The very Spirit Who was with Christ in His Passion and Who raised Him up from the grave dwells - with the Father and Son - in the soul of every persecuted Christian; and each one who suffers for love of Christ should remember that whatever happens externally, that faithful soul is full of Divine Light.
The Lord asks us all to speak the simple truth to evangelisers of various sects, and to be kind, yet, in charity, to tell them that their beliefs are mistaken. Real charity is to want them to see the truth about Christ and the Catholic Church, not to pay false compliments about false religions. Plainly, we should be well-informed about our Catholic Faith, before we take part in discussions.
Some Catholics ignore Christ; others look bored in His Presence; many take no notice of the teachings He gives through His Church. They scarcely believe that He is a real person - a Divine Person - Who is pleased to be shown love as well as to give it.
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